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Contact Data

The following describes how to provide the fields that are needed for this dataset. If you have questions on how to provide a particular value or other concerns please contact your Kinvolved service representative.

File format guidelines

Filenames can include a base suffix to distinguish them from other files of the same type (e.g. contacts_1034.csv or contacts_20220301.csv). However, the filename should always begin with the name of the entity it contains and have a .csv suffix.

The file should always include a header row with the columns matching specified Field names.

Column values should be comma-separated and enclosed in double-quotes (at minimum the string values should be double-quoted).

All the Required fields must be provided. Other values may be left blank or the column may be omitted altogether.


Filename: contacts.csv

Field Required Format Description/Guidance
sourcedId Yes GUID Unique identifier for the contact. Could be a system ID, based on the student ID (e.g. 09802394_1), or another a unique value for the parent (e.g. their email address).
givenName Yes String Contact's first name.
familyName Yes String Contact's surname (last name).
middleName No String Contact's middle name(s). If more than one then they should be separated by spaces.
email No String Email address for the contact.
sms Yes String SMS address for the contact.
phone No String Other (home) phone number for the contact.
agentSourcedIds Yes List of GUID references SourcedId of the student(s) to which this contact has a relationship. (If multiple IDs are required then use double quotes and separate with commas.)
metadata.relationship No String Contact's relationship with student (e.g. "parent", "mother", "father", "guardian", etc.). Will default to "other" if not provided.
metadata.language No String Preferred language of the contact (e.g. "Spanish"). Will default to "English" if not provided.
metadata.languageISO No Enumeration 2-char ISO-639-1 identifier for the preferred language. Will default to "en" if not provided.

Relationship Code

Filename: relationshipCodes.csv

Field Required Format Description/Guidance
sourcedId Yes GUID Unique identifier for this relationship type.
status Yes for Delta Enumeration See section 4.13.8 [OneRoster, 20a] for the enumeration list. This MUST NOT be used for the Bulk mode.
dateLastModified Yes for Delta DateTime The date that this record was last modified. This MUST NOT be used for the Bulk mode.
title Yes String Name of this relationship type (e.g. "Mother", "Father", "Stepfather", "Foster Mother", etc.).
type Yes Enumeration One of the following IMS role types: "parent", "guardian", "relative" or "other".