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Roster Data

File format guidelines

The file should always include a header row with the columns matching specified Field names.

Column values should be comma-separated and enclosed in double-quotes (at minimum all string values should be double-quoted).

All the Required fields must be provided. Other values may be left blank or the column may be omitted altogether.

Filenames can include a base suffix to distinguish them from other files of the same type (e.g. users_103.csv or users_20220301.csv). However, the filename should always begin with the name of the entity it contains and have a .csv suffix.


Filename: orgs.csv

Spec: doc

Field Required Format Description/Guidance
sourcedId Yes GUID Should be unique for this type
status No Enumeration Used in delta mode only. Allows values: active, tobedeleted
dateLastModified No DateTime Used in delta mode only. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
name Yes String Common name of school/district
type Yes Enumeration Allowed values: school, district
identifier No String NCES ID for the school/district.
parentSourcedId No GUID Reference. SourcedId of the Parent org.
metadata.address1 No String Building street address
metadata.address2 No String Building street address No String Building city
metadata.state No String Building state
metadata.postCode No String Building ZIP code
metadata.phoneNumber No String Building phone number
metadata.attendanceType No String Allowed values: daily, period
metadata.attendanceReporting No String Allowed values: negative, positive
metadata.attendancePeriod No String The homeroom period for the school.
metadata.scheduleType No String Type of class scheduled used in the school.
metadata.scheduleBasis No String Allowed values: semester, trimester

Academic Session

Filename: academicsessions.csv

Spec: doc

Field Required Format Description/Guidance
sourcedId Yes GUID SourcedId of this academicSession.
status Yes for Delta Enumeration
dateLastModified Yes for Delta DateTime
title Yes String Name or title of the academic session.
type Yes Enumeration schoolYear
startDate Yes Date Inclusive start date for the academic session.
endDate Yes Date Exclusive end date for the academic session.
parentSourcedId No GUID Reference. SourcedId of the parent of this academic session.
schoolYear Yes Year The school year for which the academic session contributes. This year should be that in which the school year ends. (Format is: YYYY).


Filename: courses.csv

Spec: doc

Field Required Format Description/Guidance
sourcedId Yes GUID Key. Must be unique.
status Yes for Delta Enumeration
dateLastModified Yes for Delta DateTime
schoolYearSourcedId No GUID Reference. SourcedId of ype of "schoolYear" (e.g. 2022)
title Yes String Name of the course.
courseCode No String Human readable course code.
grades No List of Strings Grade(s) for which the class is attended. The permitted vocabulary is from CEDS (Version 5) for the 'Entry Grade Level' element
orgSourcedId Yes GUID Reference.
subjects No List of Strings
subjectCodes No String


Filename: classes.csv

Spec: doc

Field Required Format Description/Guidance
sourcedId Yes GUID Unique ID for the class. SourcedId is used in other files and must be unique across all classes.
status Yes for Delta Enumeration
dateLastModified Yes for Delta DateTime
title Yes String Name of this class.
grades No List of Strings Grade(s) for which the class is attended. The permitted vocabulary is from CEDS (Version 5) and the 'Entry Grade Level' element
courseSourcedId Yes GUID Reference. SourcedId of the course of which this class is an instance.
classCode No String Human readable code used to help identify this class.
classType Yes Enumeration See section 4.13.1 [OneRoster, 20a] for the enumeration list.
location No String Human readable description of where the class is physically located.
schoolSourcedId Yes GUID Reference. SourcedId of the Org that teaches this class of OrgType "school".
termSourcedIds Yes List of GUID References. SourcedId of the terms (the academicSessions) in which the class is taught.
subjects No List of Strings
subjectCodes No List of Strings
periods No List of Strings The time slots in the day that the class will be given. If more than one period is needed, use double quotes, and separate with commas (per RFC 4180). Examples: 1; "1,3,5"


Filename: users.csv

Spec: doc

Field Required Format Description/Guidance
sourcedId Yes GUID
status Yes for Delta Enumeration See section 4.13.8 [OneRoster, 20a] for the enumeration list. This MUST NOT be used for the Bulk mode.
dateLastModified Yes for Delta DateTime The date that this record was last modified. This MUST NOT be used for the Bulk mode.
enabledUser Yes Enumeration
orgSourcedIds Yes List of GUID References. SourcedIds of the Orgs to which this user belongs. (Note in most in cases, it is expected that users will belong to a single school).
role Yes Enumeration student
username No String
userIds No List of Strings
givenName Yes String User's first name.
familyName Yes String User's surname.
middleName No String User's middle name (s). If more than one then they are separated by a space.
identifier No String Identifier for the user with a human readable meaning.
email No String Email address for the User.
sms No String SMS address for the User.
phone No String Phone number for the User.
agentSourcedIds No List of GUID References SourcedIds of the Users to which this user has a relationship. If multiple IDs are required then use double quotes and separate with commas. Note: In most cases this will be for indicating parental relationships.
grades No String Grade(s) for which a user with role 'student' is enrolled. The permitted vocabulary is from CEDS (Version 5) for the 'Entry Grade Level' element
password No String
metadata.commLanguage No Enumeration 2 char ISO-639-1 identifier


Filename: enrollments.csv

Spec: doc

Field Required Format Description/Guidance
sourcedId Yes GUID Unique identifier of this enrollment.
status Yes for Delta Enumeration
dateLastModified Yes for Delta DateTime
classSourcedId Yes GUID Reference. SourcedId of the Class.
schoolSourcedId Yes GUID Reference. SourcedId of an Org with type 'school'.
userSourcedId Yes GUID Reference. SourcedId of the User.
role Yes Enumeration teacher
primary No Enumeration true
beginDate No Date The start date for the enrollment. This date must align with the associated academic session (term) identified in the class.
endDate No Date The end date for the enrollment (exclusive). This date must align with the associated academic session (term) identified for the class.